This is a complex of effective exercises that should be done in the morning; the whole workout takes only about seven minutes.

  1. After you wake up, stay in bed for five more minutes with closed eyes. Then rub the hands until they become hot. Then massage your ears (the ears control the whole organism): put your index, thumb and middle fingers on your year and massage it, going up and down (keep the thumb behind the ear).
  2. Put your right hand on your forehead (in the line of the eyebrows), cover it with the left hand, focus on the point of the third eye (between the eyebrows) and move the palm to the right and left 30 times. Such exercise helps to prevent headaches.
  3. Fold the hand into a fist, massage your closed eyes from the nose to the ears with the knuckles of the thumb, do it 15 times. This exercise improves eyesight and blood flow to the brain.
  4. Place right palm on the area of the thyroid, put the left palm on top of it, and move the hands slightly sliding downward from the throat to the solar plexus 30 times.
  5. Lying on your back, inflate the stomach as hard as you can – 30 times. Breathing arbitrary. Leave stagnation in the digestive tract.
  6. Lying on your back, slowly, on the inhale, pull your right knee to chest, do it 15 times. Then do the same with the left knee.
  7. Put your right hand on the solar plexus and the left hand on top, draw circles on the stomach with pressure clockwise 30 times.
  8. Legs extended, hands behind the head, inhale – raise your legs behind your head, exhale – put them down. You need to do it ten times.
  9. Sit on the edge of the bed with your eyes open, put the left leg on right knee, and rub the notch on the stop 30 times with the knuckles of your hands. The same with the right leg.
  10. Sitting straight, put the right palm on your head, cover it with left palm and move your hands, pressing down, left and right 15 times.

After the exercises drink half a cup of warm water. And please remember that whatever you do – you should do it with pleasure!

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